New York, New York - Education Expert Witnesses
Welner, Michael - New York, NY
As a well-known and respected practitioner of forensic psychiatry in America, Dr. Michael Welner works on many exciting projects and cases. He is chairman of The Forensic Panel, a national forensic science consultation practice that employs peer-reviewed assessment. He is also a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, and an adjunct professor of law at Duquesne University. On the research side, Dr. Welner has self-funded the Depravity Scale Project, which aims to standardize legal distinctions of the worst crimes to assist fairness in criminal sentencing. He also continues to see patients in a Manhattan-based treatment practice. Dr. Welner holds four board certifications in psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and disaster medicine. Honored by the American Psychiatric Association for excellence in medical education, he strives to innovate and influence the practice of forensic psychiatry. Readers may recognize Dr. Welner from frequent appearances on ABC News' Good Morning America, CNN's Larry King Live, and Court TV/ In Session programs. The door to Dr. Welner's eighth-floor office in Manhattan opens into a spacious outer area filled with books, files, telephones, computers and a busy staff, while he works in a long, narrow room to one side. A dark, wooden desk dominates the room and the wall opposite the windows is lined with numerous framed diplomas and certificates. Beneath an incongruous set of candlesticks on a shelf sits a small, stone gargoyle reading a book. Behind Dr. Welner's chair, above an antique cabinet, hangs an impressionist-style painting of a serene landscape of children playing in a field — in plain view for patients and examinees seated in the armchair opposite the desk.

Stripp, Richard - New York, NY
A renowned forensic toxicologist, Dr. Stripp has several decades of hands-on experience as a practicing toxicologist and he has been asked to opine on hundreds of high profile toxicology cases. Dr. Stripp’s formal education and training has primarily focused on the toxicological and pharmacological aspects of drug, chemical and alcohol exposure and his scholarly activities principally focuses on the development of novel methods for assessing potential toxicity. Dr. Stripp has authored numerous scientific publications; articles and books related to forensic and clinical toxicology, and he has been asked to appear on a variety of media outlets. Dr. Stripp has successfully mentored numerous graduate students interested in toxicology and they have excelled in their field. Dr. Stripp’s students have received appointments in highly respected toxicology departments or laboratories, continued their advanced training in toxicology or have enrolled medical school. Dr. Stripp welcomes students seeking scientific advisement in the area of forensic/clinical toxicology.

Wishnuff, Mark B. - New York, NY
Medical Director of the New York Times.

Primary expertise: Occupational Medicine -- Providing injury care at three processing plants, as well as Medical Reviews on general medical and occupational health issues. Manages long-term disability cases and return to work issues. Expertise in asbestos and lead surveillance, chemical exposures, respirator certification, occupational and environmental medicine.

Background experience includes independent medical examinations and expert witness testimony. Numerous projects with various Occupational Medicine Consultants. Education/Licenses: B.A. Biology; Graduate Degree in Biology; M.D.; M.S. in Community Health; Board Certifications in Occupational Medicine and Internal Medicine; CIME - Certified Independent Medical Examiner; MRO - Medical Review Officer

Borchelt, Ph.D. , Peter L. - New York, NY
Forensic and Applied Animal Behavior. In private practice since 1978 for the diagnosis and treatment of animal related behavior problems. Specialty for court cases: evaluation and analysis of dangerous dogs, cats and other animals, temperament testing, experienced expert witness, opinion letters for court testimony on injury cases and serious fatal dog attacks. Investigative study on analyzing and research of animal bites and scratch wounds. Co-authored 5 books, including Animal Law and Dog Behavior. Published over 80 articles in behavior and veterinary journals, numerous lectures, media and scientific presentations worldwide. Education and Licenses: PhD in Comparative Psychology and Animal Behavior, Michigan State University, 1973; Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist by the Animal Behavior Society, 1991

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